Embark on an enchanting sonic odyssey with Nefeli Fasouli, a captivating Folk and Jazz virtuoso hailing from Athens, Greece. Teaming up with her ethereal Folk collective, she crafts a contemporary Greek soundscape that seamlessly blends with the nostalgic echoes of 70s fusion. Nefeli’s stage presence ignites electric euphoria, as her original compositions harmonize with reimagined classics, orchestrated by her bandmates.
Her debut album, “O Cosmos Sou,” unveiled in June 2021, is a prelude to her forthcoming second masterpiece “O Kipos” co-created with Antonis Apergis. Beyond this, Nefeli defies genre boundaries, skillfully infusing Jazz, Soul, Disco, and global musical elements, resonating across generations and cultures. Yet, her artistry extends further—Nefeli’s affinity for Modern Jazz composition led her to New York, where she recorded the captivating Jazz EP “Phases.” Comprising her own creations, this EP promises to captivate listeners. Nefeli Fasouli emerges as a timeless musical architect, weaving tradition with innovation. Her melodies resonate deep within the soul, leaving an indelible mark on the sonic landscape. Experience the magic as she conjures emotions and shapes musical dreams, guiding audiences through uncharted dimensions of sound.